Enext Metrics

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Ibadan, October 2021

  • National Independent Wireless Broadband Quality Reporting (NIWBQR)
    • Offered by Enextgen Wireless, Ltd since 2016
    • Designed to encourage Mobile Network Operators to provide high quality of Radio Frequency coverage for optimum utilization of available spectrum and excellent customer experience.
    • Previously based on commercial UE logging and post-processing tools.
    • Now using Enextlog for input data and Emetrics for processing and visualization

Now focuses on a combination of our proprietary RF quality ranking  (Emetrics) and measurements of results from key applications such as ping and FTP transfers.

The image below is the evaluated route.


The four mobile wireless broadband service providers evaluated are MTN, Airtel 9mobile, and Globacom.

In this report, we assign 50% of the weight of our overall ranking to Emetrics, 20% each to downlink throughput and packet latency and 10% to uplink throughput. The report is based on all data available for each network operator since the beginning of 2021.

RF quality plays similar role in 4G LTE as the quality of Nigerian roads plays in its transportation system and it is just as easy to ignore. As such, it is the primary focus of NIWBQR.


The visualization of the radio frequency quality of LTE network along the complete route is available at our Emetrics website https://metrics.enextwireless.com
Our primary mission is to facilitate the ability of Nigerians to gain reliable and cost-effective access to mobile broadband LTE networks. This also provides national mobile network operators an opportunity to reduce churn and achieve a rapid increase in broadband subscription.

A report containing our ranking and detailed RF Analysis is available for a fee.
We collect comprehensive RF Performance data on the Networks of Mobile Broadband Service Providers in Nigeria. The raw UE log is available to interested service providers for use in further improving the quality of their networks.

For additional details click here.

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