Introducing Enext Metrics
Enext Metrics is a simple solution that allows an LTE subscriber to see the quality of LTE Radio Frequency deployment at her or his location.
In the United States, the first nationwide deployment of LTE service started in 2010.
After extensive pre-launch trial by equipment vendors, major network operators spent months building and performing pre-launch performance optimization before the initial launch of their networks. As a result glaring performance issues were resolved before commercial launch.
In Nigeria, LTE deployment by major network operators started in 2016 and picked up steam in 2017. By the middle of 2019, most leading service providers had had aggressive LTE deployment process to cover many major commercial centers. The initial commercial deployment of most of these networks appeared to have been made without the most basic pre-deployment performance optimization. Outrageous rates of connection drops and attempt failures were very common even as the service providers charged substantial amounts for data. As of today, October 27, 2019, the picture looks brighter. Operators such as MTN and Airtel appear to have figured out ways to deliver LTE networks of improved performance quality. However, packet delay latency for global internet connections over these networks remain very high even for these two leaders. We hope that the operators will continue to look for ways to reduce the latency.
The public should play its part in making the network operators accountable. Our LTE Coverage Visualization service makes this easier to do. It allows an LTE subscriber to see the quality of LTE Radio Frequency deployment at her or his location. In many cases, the user can track her experience to the quality of coverage reported by Enext. While in other cases other network issues might be major contributors, the reported coverage quality gives the user a clearer view into the performance of the network. This gives her better insight into the quality of service she is paying for and more authority to hold the service provider accountable. For even more accurate reports, we encourage the user to download our mobile application that allows us to use the measurements collected from her/his UE to augment our coverage quality reports.
The coverage quality reports are available at:
Given the virtually non-existence of fixed internet access, the mobile networks play a major role in providing reliable and quality internet access to the public. LTE is the only network designed from grounds up for such access. Active participation of consumers in encouraging the network operators to pay attention to the quality of their LTE networks can go a long way towards improving internet access.